Ponder This...

 Why do we feel the need to understand the past? What is it about pictures and videos of people we know that are so fascinating? Why do we think we need to know about someone's history before we can really feel as if we know them?


my psychology class discussed this one time...

Everyone creates their own reality. how each individual perceives their surroundings is different. so what if your entire universe and everything you know actually does revolve around you? what if you are the only person who really does exist and your mind just makes everyone else up. your mind is a lot more powerful than you think.. if you can hallucinate when you're on drugs who's to say you're not imagining your entire world normally? to you, everything and everyone exists.. but do they really? you talk to people around you but how do you know they aren't just very powerful images that your mind creates? Like dreams.. those always seem realistic when you're in them.. what if that's actually how life is, one big dream.

How weird are pictures? they are exact replicas of moments in time. Even more so, how weird are home videos? Its like you can watch your own life EXACTLY how you lived it. What about the past in general.. where does everything go, what is time and where does it originate or end?

If you plug your nose, you can't hum.


Mature People Truths. I agree with every single one of them. Scary.


Continents are just really big islands. So why can't Greenland be its own continent? It's pretty big...


What if fingernails were furry?...


About life after life..... this one's a mind-f*ck for sure.


What if there was a zoo in a city named Wah... you could go to the Wah Zoo!

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