Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Red Cedar's Icy Voyagers

     In the winter it appears that some people get lazy, stupid, risque', or all the above.  To be frank, I too have stepped onto the icy floor, but that is not what this is about..
Watching those strange lonely people cross the river between classes stirs up a whole internal h'awkwardness.  You can't help but watch these folks make their journey, and you think, sure they'll make it across.  However, (and don't anyone dare deny it) you also hope that the ice just crumbles beneath them to show them what's what.  Sure, part of you hopes no harm comes to this Asian or loner crossing the river, but wouldn't your stroll along Farm Ln be much more entertaining if you could watch a real life version of Don't Break The Ice?!
Check out this dandy little picture of all the footprints atop on the iced-over Red Cedar River. 
But to the people walking straight down the center of the river- where the hell are you going?!? Yeah,  I hope you fall in...

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